Scatterplots comparing landscapes against all four criteria simultaneously, for scenarios with 10% habitat cover (left) and 2% cover (right). The letters refer to the landscape patterns (see Figure 2) as implemented here at the coarser scale, spanning 50 km. The size of each circle indicates genetic diversity, the height of stalks indicates relative species richness and positions on the horizontal axis indicate metapopulation size – all for songbirds, while positions on the receding (diagonal) axis represent insect pollination service. All four variables are expressed relative to the highest values found for each level of cover.

  Part of: Henle K, Potts S, Kunin W, Matsinos Y, Simila J, Pantis J, Grobelnik V, Penev L, Settele J (Eds) (2014) Scaling in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation. Advanced Books: e1169.