Plate 1. Legends to Plates 1-3: Semi-schematic drawings of the androecia of most species of Horsfieldia, except H. ampla[1], H. discolor[21], H. disticha[22], H. perangusta[59], and H. sessilifolia[75], of which no male flowers are available. Between square brackets the number has been given of the alphabetically arranged species of the present revision. Lateral view (left), longitudinal section (right), apical view (top); white: anthers; black: sterile tissue (i.e., androphore and central column). Magnification for 3-11, 15-19, 21-27, 29- 40, 45- 48, 50, 52, 74, 75, 81 = x 5; Magnification for 1, 2, 12-14, 20, 28, 41-44, 49, 51, 53-73, 76-80, 82-92a, b = x 10. 1: H. iryaghedhi[36] — 2: H. irya[35] — 3: H. spicata[79] — 4: H. inflexa[33] — 5: H. moluccana var. moluccana[44a] — 6: H. parviflora[56] — 7: H. ob- scurinervia[49] — 8: H. ardisiifolia[6] -9: H. talaudensis[88] -10: H. samarensis[72] -11: H smithii[77] -12: H olens[51] — 13: H sepikensis[74] — 14: H. syl- vestris[87] -15: H. coryandra[16] -16: H. urceolata[94] -17: H. crux-meliten- sis[19] -18: H. clavata[13] -19: H. squamulosa[81] — 20: H. ampliformis[2] — 21: H. angularis[5] — 22: H. iriana[34] — 23: H. aruana[7] — 24: H. subtilis var. subtilis[84a] — 25: H. schlechteri[73] — 26: H. basifissa[9] — 27: H. sinclairii[76] -28: H. psilantha[62] — 29: H. laevigata var. laevigata[37a] — 30: H. pilifera[60] — 31: H. lancifolia[38].

  Part of: de Wilde W (2014) Flora Malesiana. Series I - Seed Plants, Volume 14. Myristicaceae. Advanced Books: e1141.